The Quarry Ryan: How To Save

The Quarry Ryan: How To Save
Images via Supermassive Games

Written by 

Dave McAdam


10th Jun 2022 09:45

If you want to know how to save Ryan in The Quarry, we have the tips you need. The Quarry is in the style of a classic 80s horror movie, where a group of camp counsellors have to try to survive a horrific final night. Ryan is one of the more crucial characters to the overall plot, despite his loner attitude he ends up getting very involved. Here is how to save Ryan in The Quarry.

How To Save The Quarry Ryan: General Tips

The Quarry Ryan: general tips
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It goes without saying, but there will be plenty of major spoilers in this guide. If you are here, it is assumed that you have played through the game at least once and have a good idea of what is coming.

While we can advise you on the best choices to make, we cannot guarantee that things will pan out as expected. The game isn’t random in any way, but there are a lot of variables that can drastically change how events play out. We will give you tips on the right choices to make during major points, specifically things that could get characters killed. With that in mind, let’s talk about how to save private Ryan. (Because he’s a loner, get it? Ah, never mind.)

How To Save The Quarry Ryan: Gun Safety

The Quarry Ryan: Gun safety
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Ryan is viewed as one of the more responsible members of the group, and as such is generally entrusted with weapons. If anyone is holding the shotgun, it is usually Ryan. That responsibility falls to you when you play as him, and you really should take it seriously. The Quarry gives you many opportunities to fire guns in situations where you don’t quite know what you are shooting at. If you go around shooting at everything, for the most part you will shoot at nothing, but you can and will wind up killing more of your friends than the enemies.

Basically, only shoot if you are shooting at something you know to be bad. The hunters, werewolves, absolutely. Shooting into the darkness, or into the bushes, is almost never a good idea. At best it is a waste of ammo.


How To Save The Quarry Ryan: The Hackett House

The Quarry Ryan: hackett house
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Eventually, Ryan will head off to the Hackett House with Laura. This is where things get a bit intense, inevitably they will both be caught by the Hacketts. You can check out how to save Laura in The Quarry to learn what to do on her end, but here are the decisions you need to make to keep Ryan alive. First, Ryan will be stabbed by Bobby. You will get the opportunity to remove the knife, but it is better to leave it in. You will have to make an escape here and taking the knife out will only make things harder for Ryan.

You will need to succeed in running and hiding from Bobby. When you get the chance, hide in a wardrobe. While Bobby is in the room and you are holding your breath, watch for your chance to sneak out to the next room. There you can sneak through a crack in the wall, where you will have to hold your breath again. Get through all of this and Ryan will escape to a greenhouse only to be caught by Bobby. Bobby will take back his knife and threaten to kill Ryan until Laura shows up and scares him off.

This is where the next crucial decision has to be made. Ryan is dying of his wound, and Laura is now a werewolf. She hasn’t yet fully turned, so she is still herself. To save Ryan, Laura can bite and infect him. Ryan will die without this, so you need to let Laura bite him. All going well, Ryan won’t be a werewolf long enough for it to really matter anyway.

How To Save The Quarry Ryan: Final Confrontations

The Quarry Ryan: final confrontations
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After this, Ryan and Laura will discover Chris Hackett in werewolf form. This leads to a standoff between Ryan, Laura, Travis, Bobby, and werewolf Chris. Ryan will get the shotgun here, and have to make a choice. The only one that will lead to everyone surviving is to shoot Chris. Killing Chris will return everyone he has bitten back to human form, including Ryan and Laura. Now, this is where you really need to have read how to save Laura in the Quarry, because failing to save her will also result in Ryan’s death.

Basically, if Laura shot Travis earlier in the jail, he will kill both her and Ryan. If you instead drugged him, he will instead ask Laura and Ryan to help him kill the White Wolf and end the curse altogether. You will have to go with Travis in order to get everyone out alive, so agree to help him. The three of them will head off to find the White Wolf.

The crucial thing you need to do for Ryan when you get there is have him use the werewolf’s blood. It will keep him safe during this situation. From there, it is merely a case of finding the White Wolf in it’s den and killing it.

Once that is done, Ryan and everyone else will be free of this cursed place. That is what you need to do to save Ryan in The Quarry, but there is more to know, such as how to save Dylan in The Quarry.

Dave McAdam
About the author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon, after several years of freelancing across the industry. He covers a wide range of games, with particular focus on shooters like Destiny 2, RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, and fighting games like Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8.
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