The Quarry Emma: How To Save

The Quarry Emma: How To Save
Images via Supermassive Games

Written by 

Dave McAdam


15th Jun 2022 12:07

If you would like to know how to save Emma in The Quarry, we have the info you need. The Quarry puts the lives of nine camp counsellors in the hands of the player and threatens them at almost every turn. Emma is one of the first to face mortal danger in the game, so you need to be on your toes with her. Here is what you need to know to save Emma in The Quarry.

The Quarry Emma: General Tips

How to save Emma in The Quarry: general tips
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First and foremost, there are spoilers here, so only read on if you are prepared for that. Ideally, you should play through the game yourself first before using this guide, but that is your business, not mine. Also, remember there are a lot of variables at play here. We have the details on which choices you should make to avoid danger, but things can go wrong.

Emma faces quite a bit of action in the game, so you will need to be ready for some quick-time events. Provided you choose the right paths and pull off those QTEs, you should be able to keep Emma safe and sound.

The Quarry Emma: The Island

How to save Emma in The Quarry: first danger
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The first time Emma faces danger she is unfortunately alone, and under-dressed. This is just after she goes swimming with Jacob, she swims to the island and records a video for her channel. While she explores the island, you get a choice. Either take the stairs up to the treehouse or take the low road. You are better off taking the low road as you can pick up some clues along the way.

Either way, you will get to the treehouse and this is easily one of the most important decisions in the game. Quite simply, you get two choices, search the bags or open the trapdoor. Opening the trapdoor is instant death for Emma. Instead, search the bags. Inside she will find clothes, as well as some things to defend herself with, namely a taser and some pepper spray.

After you search the bags, Emma will open the trapdoor, and the werewolf will attack her but now that she is dressed and prepared, she stands a fighting chance. Hit it with the taser, take a quick picture, then get the heck out of dodge.

Emma will make a run for it across the walkways, so you need to succeed at the QTE checks along the way. When the werewolf catches up to her, use the pepper spray to fend it off. Get to the zipline and use it to get away from the werewolf, then later the second zipline to get off the island.

The Quarry Emma: Rock And A Hard Place

How to save Emma in The Quarry: second danger
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For this situation, you need the firecrackers. Remember the safe in the general store? There were firecrackers there with the shotgun ammo. You get a choice on whether or not to take the firecrackers, and you might fairly assume that taking fireworks into the forest is a bad idea. Instead, ignore Smokey Bear and any other safety instincts and keep the fireworks.

After leaving the island, Emma will make her way to the fire pit, and then toward the lodge. At the firepit, you can pick up the firecrackers and a lighter. On the way, she will encounter Jedediah and his son Bobby. The hunters have caught a werewolf, and Emma will either have to deal with the hunters or a second approaching werewolf. A swift kick and a firecracker to the face will fend either of them off. Emma will escape and get back to the lodge.

The Quarry Emma: Safe Inside
How to save Emma in The Quarry:  Third danger
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Much like how to save Abigail in The Quarry, you need to have the right situation set up. Abigail should still be alive, and Dylan should not have gone down into the basement while searching Chris Hackett’s office. If you have done all this, you will end up with Abi and Emma hiding out in the storm basement under the lodge near the end of the game. The only thing to worry about is when the lodge is attacked by a werewolf. The werewolf will mostly be focused on Kaitlyn and Dylan, but the other girls need to stay out of harm's way as well.

While in the basement, Emma and Abi will take the ladder up to the office, which will only work out if Dylan didn’t break it. Together, they will discover Chris’ security room and see Kaitlyn and Dylan on the cameras. They are locked in the office, which will keep them safe, but they can get involved in the werewolf situation if need be. However, if you picked up the stuffed animal earlier as Abigail, Kaitlyn can use it to lure the werewolf into the freezer. That way, Emma and Abigail stay safe in the office.

Follow these steps, and Emma will see the morning. For more on the game, check out how to save Dylan in The Quarry.


Dave McAdam
About the author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon, after several years of freelancing across the industry. He covers a wide range of games, with particular focus on shooters like Destiny 2, RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, and fighting games like Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8.
The Quarry Cast: Actors And Their Characters
The Quarry Max: How To Save
The Quarry Abigail: How To Save
The Quarry Kaitlyn: How To Save
The Quarry Ryan: How To Save