PUBG player count in 2024 with daily & monthly numbers

PUBG player count in 2024 with daily & monthly numbers
Images via PUBG Corporation | Active Player

Written by 

Coleman Hamstead

Last updated 

6th Jun 2024 17:15


Despite what some might think, PUBG's player count is still going strong in 2024. PUBG may have had its hay day a few years ago and been followed by the likes of Fortnite and Warzone, but that doesn't mean it's faded away.

A strong player count is required for large-scale multiplayer games like these, as you need a lot of players to fill out matches as you climb up PUBG's ranks. If you want to learn more about the game, check out the estimated player count details below.

Monthly player count in 2024

While we don't have any official PUBG player count figures from Krafton, we can use tracking websites like or to look at estimations for player numbers.

According to, the monthly PUBG player count for the last 30 days is roughly 253 million players.

Monthly player count data for PUBG in 2024
Click to enlarge

This number may seem high, and that's because it includes all versions of the game, including the mobile version which is extremely popular around the world, particularly in Asian countries.

PUBG's daily player count provides us with more information about the daily count in 2024, with the game averaging an estimated 97 million players a day so far this year.

This is up from the end of last year, as November and December 2023 saw a daily average of 31 million.

Daily player numbers for PUBG in 2024
Click to enlarge doesn't provide us with a daily average for PC players, but we can see that any given day tends to have lows of around 70,000-100,000 players and regularly hits almost 700,000 players at peak times.

Twitch viewership

Looking at data from, PUBG has averaged around 12,287 viewers over the past seven days, placing it as the 34th most-watched game on the platform.

PUBG twitch viewer data
Click to enlarge

The game's peak viewer count for Twitch came back in July 2018, when viewership reached 597,663. This was during the height of the game's success when it routinely reached over 2 million players at its peak on Steam.

Is PUBG dying?

As you can tell from the numbers above, PUBG is far from dead. While the popularity of the battle royale has certainly dwindled from its peak back in late 2017 and early 2018, PUBG is still one of the most-played games on the market.

Comparing PUBG's player count this year to the number of players actively playing over the past few years, the health of the game has been steady.

PUBG averages more monthly users now than it did throughout all of 2020, and since the start of 2021, it's maintained a baseline of roughly 280M to 320M active monthly players.

Despite hitting its sixth anniversary earlier this year, PUBG is still going strong, with the switch to PUBG free-to-play likely helping to keep the player count high.

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Check out our PUBG homepage for more guides. We've also covered the secret rooms on Deston, Paramo, and Taego, along with the best bolt-action rifles.

Coleman Hamstead
About the author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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