Lost Ark tier list, best classes for PvE & PvP in May 2024

Lost Ark tier list, best classes for PvE & PvP in May 2024
Images via Smilegate

Written by 

Dave McAdam & Tarran Stockton

Last updated 

2nd May 2024 11:31



  • The Arcanist, Artist, Artillerist, Bard, Deathblade, Paladin, Sorceress, Soul Eater, and Breaker are best for PvE play
  • PvP players will want to run either Bard, Deathblade, Paladin, Shadowhunter, Sorceress, Soul Eater, or Breaker

If you're unsure which of Lost Ark's many classes are the best choice for PvE and PvP encounters, this tier list has a rundown of which characters to roll, regardless of whether you're a new or seasoned player.

The game has plenty of different characters and Advanced classes to choose from, with more and more arriving since the MMORPG released to Western audiences - so knowing which to pick and which sit atop the current meta isn't always easy.

PvE tier list for Lost Ark

If you're more interested in thwarting computer-based, PvE foes in Lost Ark, this table will help you understand which characters are best suited to this style of play:

Tiers Classes
S Bard, Deathblade, Paladin, Shadowhunter, Sorceress, Soul Eater, Breaker
A Aeromancer, Artist, Artillerist, Berserker, Destroyer, Gunlancer, Glaivier, Scrapper, Slayer, Striker, Gunslinger, Reaper
B Arcanist, Deadeye, Soulfist, Summoner, Wardancer
C Machinist, Sharpshooter

Lost Ark is quite a well-balanced game between the many different characters, so although some might be a bit better than others, don't be dismayed if your favourite is not as high as you would like. Ultimately, there are no 'bad' or 'useless' classes in the game.

PvP tier list for Lost Ark

If you're more interested in squaring off against other players in Lost Ark and really want to put your skills to the ultimate test, our PvP tier list has the Advanced classes ranked, starting with the cream of the crop:

Tiers Classes
S Artist, Arcanist, Bard, Breaker, Paladin, Soul Eater
A Aeromancer, Artillerist, Berserker, Deathblade, Destroyer, Glaivier, Gunslinger, Reaper, Sharpshooter, Shadowhunter, Slayer, Sorceress, Striker, Summoner
B Gunlancer, Machinist, Wardancer
C Deadeye, Scrapper, Soulfist

How many classes & subclasses are in Lost Ark?

Currently, there are a total of six classes in Lost Ark, with 26 subclasses, or Advanced classes as of writing - which are specialised versions of the class with different abilities.

Upcoming Breaker class in Lost Ark
Click to enlarge

At the moment, the newest addition to the roster is the Breaker, a subclass of the Martial Artist who uses gauntlets.

Picking your class in Lost Ark is one of the most important decisions you'll make in the game, as it will widely impact your overall playstyle.

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All classes so far

Below, you’ll find every class listed alongside their subclasses:





Melee characters with less agility but more strength

  • Berserker: Uses a greatsword and can enter burst mode for increased attack and movement
  • Destroyer: Uses a large hammer made for crowd control. They also have powers to control gravity
  • Gunlancer: A tank role made to take hits from the front line with their large shields and reach weapons
  • Paladin: A support/melee role that uses holy skills with the holy book. Can also wield a sword
  • Slayer: A melee warrior with Burst Mode, a Specialty Skill that deals more damage

Martial Artist

These characters are made for speed and quick successive attacks on the battlefield

  • Glaivier: Uses two fighting stances with both a spear and a glaive
  • Scrapper: Uses a heavy gauntlet and has a good balance between defensive and offensive skills
  • Striker: equipped with elemental skills and aerial combos
  • Soulfist: Uses both melee and ranged attacks They also use an energy called Adamance, which can be used for abilities
  • Wardancer: Have anti-gravity, elemental powers that can be used in battle
  • Breaker: Uses heavy gauntlets to pummel the front lines


Sharpshooter ranged characters that use either guns or bows

  • Artillerist: This subclass specialises in bigger guns with more firepower. They have heavy armour, and high destruction, but are less agile
  • Deadeye: This subclass has charisma and a large arsenal including a double handgun, shotgun, and rifle
  • Machinist: This subclass has a high-powered drone it can use to score critical attacks and a Hypersync technology suit
  • Gunslinger: This is an agile class with multiple gun options
  • Sharpshooter: A stealthy ranged character who uses mechanical bows with arrows equipped with bonus effects


These are your standard magic-focused classes that can offer either support or damage

  • Arcanist: This class uses a deck of cards to summon powerful magic
  • Bard: Using instruments, the bard can either damage enemies or heal allies with magic. They are more geared toward a support role
  • Sorceress: This class can handle more enemies at once and use spells centred on one of three elements
  • Summoner: This subclass can summon elemental spirits to fight for them in battle


Assassin classes are primarily melee characters, known for their fast-paced combat and stealth. They also dabble in dark and demonic powers

  • Deathblade: This subclass specialises in dual wielding; they have two dual swords and a larger longsword and can strike critical combo attacks
  • Shadowhunter: This subclass can shapeshift into other demonic forms for increased speed, health, and powers
  • Reaper: Reapers can turn invisible and sneak up on enemies
  • Soul Eater: The newest Assassin addition, this class uses a Scythe to attack their enemies, and has one particularly flashy attack called 'The End' that calls upon the Deathlord


These classes use the ancient powers of the Yoz race, to use elemental abilities

  • Aeromancer: A melee-based class that uses an umbrella to vanquish foes
  • Artist: The artist can summon beasts and attack enemies with brush and ink. They also have illusion and powerful healing abilities

Be sure to check out our Lost Ark homepage for the latest news and guides. Alternatively, take a look at the Wandering Merchant locations, the full mount list, and a breakdown of Yoz's Jar.

Dave McAdam
About the author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon, after several years of freelancing across the industry. He covers a wide range of games, with particular focus on shooters like Destiny 2, RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, and fighting games like Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8.
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