Taking A Look Inside The Hyper Scape Season 1 Battle Pass

Taking A Look Inside The Hyper Scape Season 1 Battle Pass

Written by 

Joey Carr


12th Aug 2020 15:30

Hyper Scape Season 1 is now out on all major systems with the exception of the Nintendo Switch and mobile devices. However, this is still an improvement from the open beta, which only allowed PC users to play. The fast-paced battle royale from Ubisoft Montreal came out of the gate strong, garnering thousands of players and viewers. This died down after the initial launch though, meaning the game needs a big Season 1 to attract some players back. Today, we'll be seeing if the Season 1 Battle Pass has any appeal for new players or for users who might have stopped playing after the beta ended. 

The Hyper Scape Season 1 Battle Pass

Like many other battle royales before it, the Hyper Scape battle pass features a 100-Tier pass with both free and premium options. The premium version costs 950 Bitcrowns, which equates to around $10. You can also choose to pay for the Hyper Battle Pass for 2,500 Bitcrowns and immediately skip ahead 25 tiers while unlocking the Shadow Rook skin in the process. 

This pricing model isn't out of the ordinary in the slightest. In fact, it's about as normal as can be considering how games like Fortnite and Apex Legends model their Battle Pass'. However, the big difference in the passes comes down to the content itself. Both Fortnite and Apex Legends are known for having stellar cosmetics on each season's pass. For Hyper Scape to get a seat at the table, it also needs to have a stand-out Battle Pass. 

Down below, you can see each individual section of the Season 1 pass. As previously stated, there are 100 total tiers on the premium version but only 20 tiers on the free version.

Hyper Scape Battle Pass Tiers 1 - 5

Hyper Scape Battle Pass
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Hyper Scape Battle Pass Tiers 6 - 10

Hyper Scape Battle Pass
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Hyper Scape Battle Pass Tiers 7 - 15

Hyper Scape Battle Pass
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Hyper Scape Battle Pass Tiers 16 - 20

Hyper Scape Battle Pass
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Hyper Scape Battle Pass Tiers 21 - 25 

Hyper Scape Battle Pass
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Hyper Scape Battle Pass Tiers 26 - 30

Hyper Scape Battle Pass
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Hyper Scape Battle Pass Tiers 31 - 35

Hyper Scape Battle Pass
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Hyper Scape Battle Pass Tiers 36 - 40

Hyper Scape Battle Pass
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Hyper Scape Battle Pass Tiers 41 - 45

Hyper Scape Battle Pass
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Hyper Scape Battle Pass Tiers 46 - 50

Hyper Scape Battle Pass
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Hyper Scape Battle Pass Tiers 51 - 55

Hyper Scape Battle Pass
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Hyper Scape Battle Pass Tiers 56 - 60

Hyper Scape Battle Pass
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Hyper Scape Battle Pass Tiers 61 - 65

Hyper Scape Battle Pass
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Hyper Scape Battle Pass Tiers 66 - 70

Hyper Scape Battle Pass
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Hyper Scape Battle Pass Tiers 71 - 75

Hyper Scape Battle Pass
Click to enlarge

Hyper Scape Battle Pass Tiers 76 - 80

Hyper Scape Battle Pass
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Hyper Scape Battle Pass Tiers 81 - 85

Hyper Scape Battle Pass
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Hyper Scape Battle Pass Tiers 86 - 90

Hyper Scape Battle Pass
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Hyper Scape Battle Pass Tiers 91 - 95

Hyper Scape Battle Pass
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Hyper Scape Battle Pass Tiers 96 - 100

Hyper Scape Battle Pass
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As you can see from the tiers, there’s a solid variety of cosmetics for the Battle Pass. However, Hyper Scape seems to have learned from other battle royales and didn’t include much fluff - such as non-weapon skins or in-game currency. While there are a few calling cards and sprays, the Battle Pass is chock-full of unique weapon and character skins. Ubisoft chose to focus more on adding weapon skins since it feels these are less rare than skins for the various characters. As such, there aren’t as many of these but the ones that are included look fantastic and are considered rarer. 

One thing that the Battle Pass does extremely well is offer Bitcrowns, the game’s currency. Fortnite started the tradition of throwing in currency on the Battle Pass and allowed for players to be able to buy the next season’s pass with the currency earned from the current season. This was and still is applauded by the community, and Hyper Scape made the right choice is adopting this model as well. 

In terms of critiques for the Battle Pass, the one main concern is the sheer number of weapon skins available. While it’s always nice to see skins, some members of the community feel that a balance between character skins and weapon skins should have been struck. With this method, you wouldn’t be flooded with weapon skins that might be useless after you unlock a rarer model at a later tier. Although, perhaps Ubisoft wants the character skins to be a bragging right for the player base. With so few of them fairly far up the tier list, anyone who has a Battle Pass character skin worked fairly hard for it. 

All in all, this seems like a decent Battle Pass for Hyper Scape’s first season. While it’s not perfect, it’s certainly better than some other passes on the market today. Hopefully, Ubisoft can continue to mould Hyper Scape into a battle royale worth playing alongside the genre’s giants. 


Images via Ubisoft

Joey Carr
About the author
Joey Carr
Joey Carr was a freelance contributor to GGRecon.