How to fix the 'Rank unavailable' bug in Halo Infinite

How to fix the 'Rank unavailable' bug in Halo Infinite
Images via 343 Industries

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


7th Jul 2022 14:00

The bug in Halo Infinite that doesn't allow a user to see their rank is one of the most problematic bugs that players have run into, and despite seemingly first popping up back in February, 343 Industries are yet to deploy an actual fix. For players looking to play Halo competitively, the ranked mode allows you to do so by taking part in various modes, and gaining XP to increase your overall rank as high as possible. Some known bugs can get in the way of that though, so check out how to fix the rank unavailable bug below. 

How to fix the bug

There is no consistent fix for the problem, and despite being around for a while now, 343 Industries are yet to provide an official fix. Sadly, you can only see if the bug is happening by playing a ranked game and seeing it in the player recap screen, so if you run into it, it's best to restart the game as that's been known to fix it.

If it still happens after a restart, the next best thing you can do is wait it out for a few hours, it generally goes itself after a while, but that can potentially take hours. It's frustrating that there is no better way to fix the issue, so we're sorry to anyone who consistently encounters it, but hopefully there's a quicker fix inbound from 343 Industries.

What is the bug?

What Is The Halo Infinite Rank Unavailable Bug?
Click to enlarge

The bug is something that sometimes shows up after players finish up a ranked game, and in the spot where your rank would show up, it just says 'unavailable' and displays an error logo. You can still see your rank on your profile, so it doesn't remove it completely or mean you have lost the rank, but there are some issues that the rank unavailable bug causes. 

Winning a game and then getting the rank unavailable bug will stop you from gaining any ranked XP you could have potentially earned, so it's a very frustrating issue to run into after performing really well. On the flip side, if you lose a game and get the bug, you will still lose ranked XP, so players can lose an entire rank without realising. 

That's all for our primer on how to fix the rank unavailable bug, and now you know what the bug does, along with a method of avoiding it. 

Make sure to also check out the Halo Infinite ranks, so you can get a full list of the ranks and an explanation of the ranking system. 

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon. He previously wrote reviews for his college newspaper before studying Media and Communication at university. His favourite genres include role-playing games, strategy games, and boomer shooters - along with anything indie. You can also find him in the pit at local hardcore shows.
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