Guardians Of The Galaxy Fin Fang Foom: How To Defeat The Dragon Boss

Guardians Of The Galaxy Fin Fang Foom: How To Defeat The Dragon Boss
Images via Square Enix

Written by 

Aaron Bayne


18th Mar 2022 14:00

No one said defending the galaxy wouldn't be epic, and that's exactly what the Guardians of the Galaxy Fin Fang Foom boss fight sets out to prove. For the most part, Guardians of the Galaxy pits you against an assortment of awesome, yet manageable enemy types and bosses, but a literal dragon was always going to stand atop that list. But for those struggling to comprehend how you can go from beating up jelly cubes to dragons the size of mountains, you might need the help of our Guardians of the Galaxy Fin Fang Foom boss fight guide.

Guardians of the Galaxy Fin Fang Foom: What Is Fin Fang Foom? 

How To Defeat The Dragon Boss Guardians of Galaxy
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The Guardians of the Galaxy Fin Fang Foom fight takes place in Chapter 13. With the gang looking for some additional firepower to bring to Grand Unifier Raker in the hope of saving the Guardians of the Galaxy Nikki character, they need something to win over Lady Hellbender. What better to appeal to the Monster Queen than a literal dragon.

Crashlanding on an ice planet, the Guardians fight their way towards the Guardians of the Galaxy Fin Fang Foom layer. You are teased with giant claw marks along cliff edges and destroyed camps. Eventually, you are forced to confront Fin Fang Foom in Guardians of the Galaxy, when the beast surrounds the team in spiked ice. Fin Fang Foom is an enormous dragon creature that uses ice plates to protect its chest, arms and face.


Guardians of the Galaxy Fin Fang Foom: How To Beat Fin Fang Foom

Guardians of Galaxy Fing Fang Foom
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Defeating Fin Fang Foom in Guardians of the Galaxy is a multistage process. First of all, you’ll want to get rid of those ice plates, protecting the dragon. To do this, use Peter Quill’s Fire element from his elemental blasters. After around four shots to each section, the ice plates will melt in the Guardians of the Galaxy Fin Fang Foom boss fight. You’ll need to do this for both arms, chest and head plates. 

During this stage, you’ll want to keep on the move and stay relatively far back from Fin Fang Foom. The dragon will constantly bombard the Guardians with mortar-like fireballs and pulls of close-range sweeping attacks. However, you also have to watch you don’t go too far back, as the end of your Guardians of the Galaxy Fin Fang Foom boss fight arena is lined with spiked ice that will damage you. 

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From then on you’ll want to avoid the mortar fire and wait for Fin Fang Foom to get its claws stuck in the ice. Here you get a brief period to damage Fin Fang Foom in Guardians of the Galaxy. Continue this process until you reach the next stage of the Guardians of the Galaxy Fin Fang Foom boss fight. 

Guardians of the Galaxy Fin Fang Foom: The Final Assault

How To Defeat The Dragon Boss Guardians of Galaxy
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The biggest amount of damage you will be able to do in the Guardians of the Galaxy Fin Fang Foom boss fight will come when a giant stalactite of ice falls down. Once this drops, Groot and Drax will prepare it for a launch. Aim at Fin Fang Foom’s chest and you’ll see a button prompt. This launches the ice at the dragon Guardians of the Galaxy boss, dealing a decent amount of damage in the process. 

Guardians of Galaxy How to defeat Fing Fang Foom
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Fin Fang Foom will then fall, giving you your biggest opportunity to deal massive amounts of damage. You’ll want to save your character's ultimate abilities for this section. Rocket’s Five Barrel Barrage and Gamora’s Executioner ultimates do the most damage, so be sure you have those ready to use. Peter Quill’s Fan of the Hammer is another great high-damage attack. If you repeat this a few times, you will defeat Fin Fang Foom, appeasing Lady Hellbender. 

That’s how to beat the Guardians of the Galaxy Fin Fang Foom boss fight. If you’d like to get even more money out of Lady Hellbender earlier in the game, check out our Guardians of the Galaxy Rocket or Groot guide. 


Aaron Bayne
About the author
Aaron Bayne
Aaron Bayne was a Guides Writer at GGRecon. His previous experience includes BBC and Fraghero.
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