Apex Legends: The Broken Ghost Season Quest - Complete Walkthrough

Apex Legends: The Broken Ghost Season Quest - Complete Walkthrough

Written by 

Coleman Hamstead


5th Aug 2020 14:15

Apex Legends Season 5: Fortune’s Favor introduced co-op PvE encounters. Players can participate in missions or “Hunts” to uncover secrets and learn the story of The Broken Ghost. The story revolves around the new legend, Loba, and her search for an ancient relic called The Broken Ghost. Players that complete the season-long quest will receive exclusive in-game rewards.

There’s a lot to take in, so let us guide you through The Broken Ghost Season Quest. We will run you through everything you need to know to complete the quest. Tips and tricks for each individual Hunt, story lore and rewards — it’s all here.

Click the links below to jump to the Hunt you want to learn about!

Prologue - The Duplicitous Snake

Hunt One - The First Piece

Hunt Two - A Legend Falls

Hunt Three - Enter The Revenants

Hunt Four - High Octane

Hunt Five – The Gauntlet

Hunt Six – The Pit

Hunt Seven - Return to Skull Town

Hunt Eight - Air Support

Hunt Nine - The Enemy of My Enemy

Ashes to Ashes

Epilogue - Dust to Dust

Also, if you enjoy this make sure you check out our Apex Legends Tier List guide!

The Broken Ghost Rewards
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Starting The Broken Ghost Season Quest

Everyone that owns Apex Legends will be able to participate in the Broken Ghost Season Quest, regardless of whether they have purchased the Battle Pass or not.

The only prerequisite to participating in the weekly Hunts are Treasure Packs. One Treasure Pack per day can be found in loot bins around Kings Canyon. Each Treasure Pack contains a reward ranging from crafting materials to Apex Packs. Every fifth pack will grant players the ability to participate in that week’s Hunt.

Don’t stress too much if you miss a day or two worth of Treasure Packs. Players can purchase missed Treasure Packs for 25 Apex Coins each. Also, players not interested in the rewards can still join and participate in a friend’s Hunt; even if they themselves don’t possess the necessary Treasure Packs.

The Broken Ghost Rewards
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What Are Hunts?

Hunts are weekly missions revolving around Loba and the secret of The Broken Ghost. According to Respawn, Hunts will “take players on a journey to find nine pieces of a ‘mysterious artefact.’” Once all nine pieces have been recovered, players will “dive into the past, and uncover a secret that the Outlands might not be ready for.”

A new Hunt will be released every Tuesday. As discussed above, these Hunts will become playable after finding five Treasure Packs in any Apex Legends multiplayer mode.

Each successful Hunt will reward a piece of The Broken Ghost along with in-game rewards such as weapon skins and weapon charms.

Now, let’s get into the details of each Hunt and the best course of action to successfully complete them. Beware: there may be minor spoilers.

The Broken Ghost Rewards
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Prologue - The Duplicitous Snake

The Broken Ghost Quest begins the second you open up Season 5 of Apex Legends. A prologue cutscene is available to view. In it, Loba lays out her plot to all other Legends — minus her archrival, Revenant.

Loba plans to use the combined skills and powers of the Apex Legends roster to enter a parallel dimension and retrieve the missing artefact pieces. Loba emphasizes to the other Legends that Revenant absolutely can not hear a word of this plan. She claims that if he finds out, “it's not good for any of us.”

In the end, it is revealed that someone has snitched and exposed the plan to Revenant. The snitch — or the duplicitous snake — filled the reveal letter with catchphrases of different legends to throw off their trail. Whoever the snake is, they have revealed the secret plot to overthrow the synthetic assassin.

The Broken Ghost Rewards
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Hunt One - The First Piece

Hunt One launched on Tuesday, May 19. Players may use any legend besides Loba or Revenant to complete this Hunt.

Players will be escorted just outside of the Artillery POI via a dropship. Follow the objective markers into the tunnel. Make sure to search every supply bin along the way. These bins provide weapons, attachments and armour that will make your life a lot easier. Early on, there is a supply bin containing Hammerpoint Rounds and a Level 3 Extended Light Mag. Attach these to your P2020 to shred the attacking Prowlers.

Carry on until you reach the artefact extraction point. Defend the point until the extraction is complete. Solo players will have two respawns and squads will be able to revive each other.

Now to the hardest part of the mission, the escape. Players will have a mere 70 seconds to reach the dropship and escape with the artefact piece. Time is of the essence, so ignore the attacking Prowlers and take off with haste.

Upon completion, players will receive the Sapphire weapon charm and the first piece of the artefact. Additionally, you will receive access to the next secret meeting in Mirage’s bar. The story is called “The Cranky Clown” and will unveil more details on the season-long quest.

The Broken Ghost Rewards
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Hunt Two - A Legend Falls

Revenant is the only legend not available for use in the second Hunt. Feel free to pick any legend you desire. However, we recommend Loba and Wraith. Loba’s ability to see high-tier loot through walls coupled with both legend’s escape abilities make them the perfect choice for the Hunt missions.

Hunt Two drops players into The Cage equipped with a fully-kitted Triple Take. Use this potent weapon to eliminate 10 Prowlers. Before advancing to the next objective, search The Cage for supplies. You should find plenty of equipment that will aid you in the rest of the Hunt.

The next objective takes players inside the Hydro Dam. Hold on to the Triple Take, but make sure to upgrade your secondary weapon once inside. Players will need to activate three panels to open the exit and gain access to the drill site. Make your way to the drill spot and proceed to hold your ground vs. an onslaught of enemies. 

Wrap things up and hightail it out of there to the dropship.

Upon completion, players will receive the Ruby weapon charm, the second artefact and the next piece of the story. “The Detached Chaperone,” tells an intense story ending with the legends coming face to face with Revenant.

The Broken Ghost Rewards
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Hunt Three - Enter The Revenants

Players begin Hunt Three as Shadows under Revenant’s curse. Transverse the area and destroy the six scattered totems to break the spell. Once all six have been demolished, players will be granted a Level 3 Body Armour and both a fully-attached Mastiff and Hemlock.

It’s pretty much rinse-and-repeat from here. Head to the Water Treatment plant to start the artefact extraction process. Hop in a corner or take the high ground and prepare to defend the location as waves of enemies come forth.  Once the artefact has been extracted, players will be given a generous 90 seconds to escape to the dropship.

Following completion, players will receive a Sphalerite weapon charm, the third artefact piece and access to another story segment. “The Liberated Narc,” ends with the lively Octane deciding to disobey orders and dive in the portal for his own piece of the action.

The Broken Ghost Rewards
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Hunt Four - High Octane

As the name suggests, Hunt Four has players enter the portal and follow Octane’s tracks. The mission begins in the Slum Lakes. The Oc-train has clearly been here already, jump pads are scattered everywhere on the map.

The first objective is to simply eliminate hostiles. Loot some shield cells, upgrade your weapons and proceed to the dig site. Begin the extraction and prepare to hold off hordes of local wildlife. Use the handy jump pads located around the area if you become overwhelmed at any point.

Finally, players should use those same jump pads to quickly escape to the dropship. We advise putting your guns away and ignoring the enemies completely. They will be unable to catch up to your speed.

Completion of Hunt Four awards the Howlite weapon charm, another artefact and “The Impromptu Kidnapper” story chapter. The story quest advances as Bangalore uncovers the real truth behind Loba’s plot. Also, Lifeline sets out on a rescue mission in search of Octane.

The Broken Ghost Rewards
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Hunt Five – The Gauntlet

Gibraltar and Octane are unavailable for The Gauntlet. You’ll find out why early on in the Hunt. Players begin the mission with a Wingman, P2020 and basic gear.

Hunt Five drops us right into the Bunker. Clear out the Bunker and activate four panels to open the far exit.

The artefact dig spot can be found just outside the Bunker doors. Heal up and prepare to defend the location. We suggest climbing up to the archway immediately above. This spot will offer the best vantage point.

As is tradition, the final step is to escape. Stop what you're doing and make your way to the dropship. You should have ample time to reach it, but don’t dilly-dally.

At the conclusion of Hunt Five, players will be awarded a weapon charm, a fifth artefact piece and “The Lying Liar” story segment. Appropriately, The Lying Liar exposes Loba as just that, a liar. She has misled the other legends of her true intentions. The artefact is not for her, it is for Hammond Robotics. Loba has agreed to reclaim this mysterious artefact in exchange for a code that will destroy Revenant.

The other legends are not happy, but they agree to continue the mission. They want to know what The Broken Ghost is all about and prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. Also, apparently, Lifeline and Gibraltar have uncovered yet another artefact piece on their Octane rescue mission.

The Broken Ghost Rewards
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Hunt Six – The Pit

As the name of the Hunt would suggest, Hunt Six drops players just outside of The Pit. Lifeline is back at home base and is unavailable for this Hunt. Players begin the mission with a fully-kitted Flatline, EVA-8 Auto and basic gear.

Almost instantly, players will be rushed by groups of individual Prowlers; don’t let your guard down. Make your way through the tunnel into The Pit. On the way, there will be two Supply Bins containing additional healing items and advanced body armour.

The Drill Site is located in the very centre of The Pit. Take your time here. If you try and rush things, you may become overwhelmed by enemies. Eliminate a few waves of Prowlers before interacting with the site.

Upon activation, a Care Package will drop from the sky. Inside, players will find a gold Spitfire, gold Mastiff and purple body armour. Grab these, you will need them.

Next, the area surrounding The Pit will be enclosed in the Ring/Storm. Players will need to fight off dozens of high-tier Prowlers with little space to work with. This particular fight is challenging compared to the ones seen in previous Hunts. Keep movin’ and shootin’ as the flood of Prowlers engulf you.

Once the area has been cleared, heal to full HP. Don’t remove the artefact from the extraction point until you are absolutely ready, as time is of the essence. Once ready, pull the artefact and immediately sprint for the exit. Players will have a mere 37 seconds to escape. Along with the time constraints, an army of shadow Prowlers will be waiting in ambush.

Only kill what you have to. Focusing on the Prowlers for too long will almost certainly result in a failed mission. Usually, the best course of action is to just ignore them completely and make a mad sprint for the Dropship.

Following the completion of Hunt Six, players will be awarded a red diamond weapon charm, a sixth artefact piece and “The Oblivious Mole” chapter of the story. The segment starts with Crypto dealing with a classic case of imposter syndrome. Things get interesting as Revenant hacks into Crypto’s drone to tease the Legends and threaten them with an upcoming in-person meeting. This encounter leaves the group on edge. The team accuses Crypto of being a traitor and working with the enemy.

The Broken Ghost Rewards
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Hunt Seven - Return to Skull Town

Hunt Seven has players return to the fan-favourite location, Skull Town. Mirage will be sitting this Hunt out. To start, players will be granted a full kitted R301, RE-45, level three backpack and a level two body armour. It might sound like overkill, but you’ll need it for this Hunt.

Choose a Legend with mobility. Skull Town is expansive with dozens of rooftops. Loba’s disc or Pathfinder’s grapple will make traversing the area much easier.

A hoard of strong Prowlers will greet players as soon as they drop in. Quickly get inside a building and hold your ground in a corner. Alternatively, move rooftop to rooftop taking Prowlers out along the way. Whatever you do, don’t get pinned. Make your way to the Dig Site once things clear up.

At the Dig Site, there will be a level three body armour, Gold Mastiff and a Gold Prowler (the gun). Grab these plus all the available supplies and proceed with the extraction.

Waves of Shadow Prowlers will proceed to attack the Dig Site. Maintain high ground and take these fiends out swiftly while the artefact extracts.

Players will have one minute, twenty seconds to escape to the Drop Ship once the artefact has been dug up. From here, only the weak Shadow Prowlers stand in your way. Sprint to the Drop Ship, using Loba’s disc or Path’s grapple to manoeuvre and dodge enemies. This method should have players arrive at the Drop Ship with plenty of time to spare.

Following the completion of Hunt Seven, players will be awarded another weapon charm, a seventh artefact piece and “The Shattered Spirit” chapter of the story. The segment begins right where we left off. Crypto is under accusations of treason from Watson’s POV. During the discussion, Loba becomes paranoid and exits the hideout to go her own way. There has still been no resolution by the end of the segment. The spy remains a mystery among them.

The Broken Ghost Rewards
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Hunt Eight - Air Support

Tension is high as the Legends close in on the final couple of artefacts. Hunt Eight drops players smack dab in the middle of Kings Canyon. Wraith and Revenant are unavailable for this Hunt. You’ll begin the mission with a fully-kitted Charge Rifle, Spitfire and all gold armour.

Players will be given a choice at the start of the Hunt. Either maintain high ground and snipe the hostiles below or jump right into the battle. Sniping from above is safer, but do what you’re most comfortable with. Eliminate the group of Prowlers and make your way to the artefact extraction point. The artefact extraction point is located in the tunnel system near the old Bridges POI.

Whip out the Spitfire and defend the point from the typical horde of Prowlers. Keep moving and use the Spitfire’s large mag to make quick work of the Prowlers. Use this strategy to avoid getting swarmed and overwhelmed.

Heal to full health and grab the artefact. Return in the direction you originally came from. Head toward the large broken bridge overhanging the river below. Taking the zipline across the gap will leave players just next to the escape ship. Sprint the final few meters to safety to complete the Hunt.

Following the completion of Hunt Eight, players will be gifted the Beryl weapon charm, an eighth artefact piece and “The Unwavering Protector” chapter of the story. The segment initiates with a deep conversation between Gibraltar and Caustic. They discuss their different perspectives on life and the goals they each share. As things progress, Caustic unveils himself as The Mole. He admits to warning Revenant of their plans. Caustic claims that he did this to protect Wattson. The Legends have all parted ways at this point. Bangalore announces that she is departing on a mission to save Loba and destroy Revenant.

The Broken Ghost Rewards
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Hunt Nine - The Enemy of My Enemy

The final Hunt. Everything we’ve done the past nine weeks has accumulated to this moment. 

As one may expect, Revenant and Loba are unavailable for this last Hunt. Players begin the mission with the best starting loadout yet. A fully-kitted R99, Mastiff and all Gold equipment.

Hunt Nine drops players into the eerie Swamps. Revenant challenges players to step into the shadows. To do this, absorb the power of five totems scattered around the area. Prowlers are on the hunt, so stay moving to avoid being overwhelmed. If you’re not a fan of the R99 or the Mastiff, there are plenty of other Gold weapons in the various buildings and huts.

Once in Shadow form, take the tunnel through the rocks and begin the artefact extraction. Defend the drill site using the powerful Shadow form melee attack. Once you have the artefact, Revenant will return your old form, and seemingly allow you to escape with ease. Head to the dropship with haste to complete the Hunt.

Following the completion of Hunt Nine, players will be gifted the Amethyst weapon charm, the Faceplate artefact piece and “The Broken Ghost” chapter of the story. The final story segment begins from Bangalore’s POV. Bang is posted up high, scouting Loba’s movements. Revenant has arrived and seems hellbent on putting an end to Loba’s life. 

In a twist, Revenant announces that he is here to help Loba. Revenant claims that Loba is far from the first person to come after him for revenge. But, she is the one who has come the furthest. Revenant admits that he is living in hell. At first, Hammond Robotics was wiping his brain clean of every assassination and execution. However, the program glitched. His mind was flooded with hundreds of years of death and terror. Revenant wants it all to end. Revenant is The Broken Ghost and needs Loba’s help to put him out of his misery.

The Broken Ghost Rewards
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Ashes to Ashes

Ashes to Ashes closes out our nine-week adventure with an additional mission. Beginning the segment will award players with the Epic Ancient Predator Flatline skin and the Bobblehead Ash weapon charm.

Players will begin the mission as Gibraltar with a naked P2020. Drop into the secret bunker at Slum Lakes. Crawl through The Lost Tomb until you arrive at a headless robotic body. Crown the body with the completed Artifact to bring it to life and complete your mission.

Epilogue - Dust to Dust

The Broken Ghost Story is all but over. The two-month journey concludes with a final epilogue. Enjoy a scene consisting of a chat room conversation between Octane and Lifeline.

It looks like the rumours surrounding Ash have been confirmed. She is back, and may very well be the next playable legend.

That concludes the story of The Broken Ghost… for now. Thanks for sticking with us week after week. We’ll be back in Season 6 with the next PvE questline.


Images via Respawn Entertainment

Coleman Hamstead
About the author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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